Human Rights Group Berates Ibadan University Management For Expelling Three Peaceful Protesters, By Muhammed Bilal


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A human rights group, Global Rights, has challenged the management of the University of Ibadan to respect the constitutional right of students to peaceful protest, stating that the management of the university should ‘immediately rescind the expulsion of three students, namely Olamide Gbadegeshin, Aduwo Ayodele, and Nice Linus, for engaging in peaceful protest against the sudden hike in tuition fees by the university’s management.’

In a statement signed by Damilola Decker for Global Rights, the advocacy organization called on the University of Ibadan to ‘lead the way for other tertiary educational institutions in Nigeria by engaging mechanisms that encourage ample and robust interactions with students.’

The Rights Group stated: ‘The security agents who arrested them and Olorunfemi Adeyeye on May 13, 2024, because they peacefully protested, should issue them a swift and unreserved apology,’ adding that the students should be allowed to resume their studies without any fear of intimidation, harassment, or reprisals from the management and staff of the University of Ibadan.

While acknowledging that their action may have posed an inconvenience to the administration of the university, Global Rights pointed out that existing laws clearly prescribe their right to protest peacefully.

‘The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, provides great latitude for expressions and actions that constitute peaceful protest, specifically, the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, association, and movement.’

‘It is also a well-recognized fact that peaceful protests, especially by young people, have often been an effective means of bringing about positive social change in democratic societies all over the world. A university of the calibre of the University of Ibadan should, therefore, not be averse to its students exercising this right.’

‘It is our considered opinion that educational institutions are afforded a vantage position in helping to build a rising generation of civic actors who have an increasingly important role in entrenching Nigeria’s democratic roots.’

‘Recognizing this important responsibility, one of the nation’s premier educational institutions should not set a bad precedent by truncating these students’ rights and access to education; rather, it should seek to allay their concerns and those of others who are rightly worried about the ability of Nigeria’s children and youth to access quality education in the current economic climate. ‘

‘We recognize that the University of Ibadan has a duty to maintain its educational standards and responsibilities to its tutors while navigating the harsh economic terrain, but surely the university should understand why students will feel the need to protest a significant increase in tuition fees.

‘Consequently, we ask that any plans to expel Olamide Gbadegeshin of the Institute of African Studies, Aduwo Ayodele of the History Department (200 level) and Nice Linus from the University of Ibadan be immediately jettisoned,’ the group stated.

‘On our part, we stand solidly behind dissenting voices who choose to participate in their governance and seek social justice, utilizing their freedom of expression through peaceful protests,’ the statement added.

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